LGPS Regulations 2018

The home of the LGPS (Scotland) Regulations 2018, including a coded web version of the Regulations.

Last updated
Current timeline regulations A clean version of the current LGPS Regulations 2018 including all changes made through amending statutory instruments. 28/03/2024 [to reflect changes made through SSI2024-37]
Amendments (by SSI) A list of the amendments made to the LGPS (Scotland) Regulations 2018, ordered by the statutory instruments which made these changes. 28/03/2024 [to reflect changes made through SSI2024-37]
Amendments (by regulation) A list of the amendments made to the LGPS (Scotland) Regulations 2018, ordered by regulation. 28/03/2024 [to reflect changes made through SSI2024-37]

» Amendments to the LGPS Regulations 2018

» Statutory guidance relating to the LGPS Regulations 2018

LGPS Regulations 2014